What a fun interview with Whitney Mendoza of Liger Partners out of Atlanta, Georgia on marketing, and technology in the age of engaged!
Whitney’s suggestion to adapt 31 Cents to 43 Countries into a Netflix series is awesome! Starting our Company, DEO Entertainment Group before the advent of technology created the foundations for learning the basics of marketing and promotions. While technology has created an interactive age of engagement through a two-way partnership with consumers and distribution channel members, the basic communication process has not changed. What has changed is the exponential growth of data that can be used to make better and faster decisions in real-time regarding promotions along with product and service development based on immediate consumer feedback.
Don and Dina’s Hardcore Tips to Increasing Profits on The Jungle Podcast.
1. Identify Customer Needs: Use data from customer service relationship management systems, distribution partners, and social media sources to leverage and identify consumer’s attitudes towards and brand or a product. Real-time data from these systems can also be used to develop and offer products and services where and when the customer wants them.
2. Promotions and Technology: Start with identifying the target audience and create a communication objective for your promotional campaigns such as creating awareness or desire. Keep in mind that it may be hard to create a desire for a product if no one knows the product or service exist- so choose your communication objective wisely. Determine the budget and choose a promotional tool (advertising, public relations, sales promotions, direct sales) based on the communication needs of the target audience and the organization’s budget. Multichannel strategies based on communication needs and budget allow the organization to repeat their message (which they control) over a series of platforms to increase the strength of their brand awareness at a much faster rate.
3. Virtual Marketing Alliances: Online we negotiate agreements, decide on procedures and protocols, and promote cooperation through shared values. Finding core competencies such as excellence, creating goodwill through positive outreach, and problem-solving are examples of underlying influences we look for to increase trust and build a competitive advantage. Being responsive in our virtual communications creates confidence and respect with clients. With the advent of social media and texting, we also look for ways to communicate based on our end user’s communication needs. Today that might include sending a text or instant messaging. Responsiveness is still considered good manners and a great way to create trust with distribution channel members or clients.